2021 Alzheimer’s Association Fundraising Efforts top $21,000!

Lindsay Walker (center) with Campus of Anna Maria administrators Chris Norton (left) and Aaron Baker (right)
After a disappointing 2020 due to Covid, we kicked our fundraising efforts into high gear this year, and our efforts paid off tremendously. Last Friday the Campus of Anna Maria of Aurora presented a check for $21,000 to Lindsay Walker, Executive Director of the Alzheimer’s Association, East Ohio Chapter, who was beyond thrilled. The proceeds from our awesome car show last month provided the bulk of these funds, however, other fundraisers throughout the year helped boost that amount quite nicely. Raffle baskets, candy bar sales, soup and chili cookoffs, jeans day Fridays, just to name a few! Our efforts continue this Sunday, October 10, with our participation in the Alzheimer’s Walk at Infocision Stadium in Akron.